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Quixotic Entertainment logo for experimental EDM music and events in Houston


Welcome to Quixotic Entertainment, your ticket into the poetic, lyrical, and musical mind of Erez Kats, aka Electric E.  Check out everything that I have to offer on this site; Hopefully Quixotic Entertainment will nourish your mind, excite and captivate you, or possibly light a fire in your belly. If it gives you hope, inspires you, and makes you dream, I believe I have done my job!

Wooden Surface


Electric E  has released three full albums and an EP. The first is entitled Babylon Music , and contains 11 songs. The Second is entitled Three Sides To Every Story , and features 11 songs, 3 of which also have Instrumental versions. The third is entitled Sight Unseen, and includes 10 new songs, 3 of which have instrumental versions. Each can be purchased as a full album, or as singles. The EP entitled Ella , contains 4 songs , which can also be purchased as singles.

Wooden Surface


M. Erez Kats has 3 poetry books available - Journey Into Pictures, Fractions of Light, and Kiss of the Snake - all available as both Ebooks and paperbacks. Io Vagabondo: Stories From Abroad  is an autobiographical prose novel, written under the pen name, Michael Rosebush, and is also available on both Ebook and paperback. All 3 books (with the exception of Journey Into Pictures) are also available as audiobooks exclusively on Audible/ACX.


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Wooden Surface


"Multilingual poeticisms. Raging bastions of white noise manipulated into bittersweet melodicism. Harmonies that test the limits of their own construction."


"Electric E isn’t afraid to pick up the pieces of past glories (including ones predating his own career) and forge something that a modern audience can grow to celebrate as their own in more ways than one."


"In a competitive scene like Seattle’s...Sight Unseen and Ella hit us with a collective ninety minutes of pure experimental bliss...I would recommend giving Electric E some of your time this autumn simply to experience melodic brilliance at its most untamed."

-Mark Druery, Indieshark Music Magazine



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